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BHISD Christmas Card Contest

Students from grades Pre-K through 12 are invited to submit an original Christmas Card design to be printed for the front cover of the Barbers Hill Independent School District’s Christmas Card. (Participation gives permission for printing and sharing.)

The Christmas card is distributed to all our BHISD employees, surrounding school districts, community dignitaries and businesses from our Board of Trustees, Superintendent and Administration Staff.

Designs must meet the specifications listed below:

  • Size: 8.5 in x 5.5 in (half of a standard size sheet of paper/cardstock)
  • Design: Only original hand drawn Christmas themed drawings will be accepted. NO glitter or stick on embellishments may be used, they do not print well. No drawing on the back, this also affects the printing
  • Guidelines: Artwork must have the words “Barbers Hill ISD” on the front of the card. Student’s name, grade, campus and teacher’s name must be printed clearly on the back of the entry

October 21st - All entries must be received by the front office of your campus
October 25th - Each campus submits 3 campus finalist entries to the Superintendent’s office
October 28th - Judging of entries by the Board of Trustees
December 16th - Presentation of winners at the board meeting

Winners will be chosen as follows:

  • $25 Runner-Ups (chosen from each campus)
  • $100 Christmas Card Design winner (chosen from grades Pre-K through 12)

Contact Casey Turbeville at 281-576-2221 x1202, if you have any questions
